Hayashi sensei performing an Kochi-nage
The book of five rings
Translation by William Scott Wilson
The Shamhala Guide to Aikidō&#13:An essential introduction to the philosophy and practice
4th International Aikido Seminar in Muerren Summer holidays in the Bernese Alps! We are proud to announce this very special seminar to Aikido practitioners of all styles and levels. Families and accompanying persons are welcome. We provide 6 hours of training daily in the spectacular Bernese mountains with a stunning view on Eiger, Moench and Jungfrau. Begin of seminar: Monday 12 noon, end of seminar: Saturday 3 pm Training and full room and board: Whole week Mon.-Sat. less than 5 days: cost per day Adults: CHF 700/ *350 CHF 150/ *75 Children