Moby at Paléo

Billet Paléo Folk 2009

One of the great music festival that occurs every year on the shores of the Geneva Lake is Paléo Folk Festival, in Nyon, between Geneva and Lausanne. This festival lasts one week, with a great area with multiple stages. Yesterday, was playing on the main stage, and I went to see it. The concert was quite late, at midnight, but it was well worth the wait. Like many geeks, I love Moby’s music, as his live performance is very dynamic. Few artists would have in the same concert blues songs a raver tune, and pretend to a do a heavy metal guitar solo, but Moby is the kind who dedicates a song to the . So I can safely this was one the best concerts I have ever been to.

One thought on “Moby at Paléo”

  1. Je dois dire que même pour moi qui n’était pas une grande experte de Moby, j’ai adoré et j’ai été très surprise de connaître la majorité des titres qu’ils ont joués…

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