Growl SNMP Adapter

SNMP Notification logo

Growl is an interesting open-source project. The idea is to have one central service to handle bezel like notifications. The system has evolved and can now display notifications using different GUIs. There are now quite a few applications relying on Growl for notification, first Adium, but also Skype. There are also plugins so that newly delivered e-mails in Mail trigger such a notification.

One drawback of Growl, is that it does not really integrate with existing notification services like syslog, or SNMP traps. To remedy this, I have written a small java programs that takes incoming SNMP traps and translates them into growl notifications. The program is rather primitive, but it works. People who are interested can download a first version of the program. The tar file basically contains a jar file, a graphic file and a launch script. To use it, open a terminal and type sudo ./snmpgrowl.bash (the program needs to run as root to be able to link to a privileged port, that is 162. Once the password has been typed it, the program can be put into the background. You can test the installation by typing snmptrap -v 2c 0 1.1 s "Hello World"

If people are interested by the source code, they should send me an e-mail (the program is build using the snmp4j open source project. The program is at the moment very primitive and does little beyond transmitting the data.

Update the download link, which was broken

7 thoughts on “Growl SNMP Adapter

  1. I can’t find a link to your GROWL SNMP adapter where is it please?

  2. When I click the link it just sends me to your homepage.

  3. Got it downloaded. One question, can it resolved the raw OID, by loading MIBs?

  4. No, alas not, the framework I rely on does not handle OID resolution. It would make sense to write a version the uses the net-snmp framework (which is anyway included with OS X), but this would be a more serious project.

  5. I’m not finding this file on any links on this page. Please let me know via email where I can get it. Many thanks!

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