Homebridge Cat Feeder

Xiaomi Pet Feeder

Homebridge contains a plugin to handle Xiaomi home devices. We had recently acquired a pet feeder for the cat, so I wanted to integrate it into the HomeKit. The pet feeder has a lot of sensors, but I was really only interested into one action: feeding the cat.

After some playing around I managed to get a HomeBridge configuration that works. Basically, you need to first instal the Xiaomi plugin (homebridge-miot), auto-detect your devices, and then update your configuration to add the feeding action in the actionButtons section. For this to work, your feeder needs to get a fixed IP address from your router.

My configuration looks like this:

"platform": "miot"
"devices": [
  "name": "Cat Feeder",
  "ip": "",
  "token": "▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓",
  "deviceId": "▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓",
  "model": "mmgg.feeder.fi1",
  "pollingInterval": 10,
  "deepDebugLog": false,
  "buzzerControl": true,
  "ledControl": true,
  "childLockControl": true,
  "modeControl": true,
  "actionButtons": [
    "action": "pet-feeder:pet-food-out",
    "params": 1

Once this is activated, you can basically tell Siri Activate Cat Feeder!.

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