American Gods

スイスへ行った時飛行機で読むに本を二冊貰いました。「Thud !」は飛行機で読みました。 今ゲイマン・ニールのアメリカの神読みました。

When I went to Switzerland, I got two books to read in the airplane. I actually read “Thud !” in the airplane, and I have now finished: “American Gods” by Neil Gaiman.

Quand j’ai été en Suisse, j’ai reçu deux livres à lire dans l’avion. J’ai lu «Thud !» dans l’avion, et à présent, j’ai fini « American Gods » de Neil Gaiman.

I had mixed experiences with Nail Gaiman’s books. While I actually loved “Good Omens”, I never was a fan of sandman comics. I suspect I was put off by the drawing style, which never impressed me, except maybe for Vess. I also liked the Neverwhere TV series. The version of American Gods I got is the author’s preferred version, so it is quite a thick book, at around 630 pages.

The story is about a loner called shadow that stumbles into the world of American Gods. Half-forgotten those surnatural creatures somehow adapted to live in the United States. The hero stumbles into what seems to be a budding war between the old gods, that range from the Norse Pantheon to African gods, and the new gods (TV, cars, internet). The overal tone of the story reminded me of novels of Tim Powers, in particular the Fault-Line novels which mix surnatural into amercian everyday life, and heroes that somehow drift along their destined paths.

While the book starts slowly, I soon found myself having trouble putting it down. Again, I was somehow disapointed by the end – somehow Gaiman seemed to have for this book the same ending problem as Pratchet has – but it is nonetheless a very good read.

Les kanjis d’aujourd’hui:
Kanji Kun ON Signification Note

Voler, Survoler, Éparpiller

Mécanisme, Opportunité, Machine
Tome Compteur pour les livres.
Dieu, Esprit, Âme

Ok, I realise putting the kanji table in French in a English post is a little confusion, but what the hell.

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