Limmatschwimmen 2013

Limmatschwimmen 2013


This year again, I swam in Zürich’s Limmat river. Blue sky and warm water, the weather was perfect. Everybody was riding the river’s current smiling. Because so many people wanted to participate, getting tickets was pretty hard, but it was so much fun that it was worth it.

Cette année encore, j’ai nagé sur la rivière Limmat à Zürich. Un ciel bleu et une eau tiède, le temps était parfait. Tout les participants se laissaient porter par le courant en souriant. Comme l’évènement est très prisé, il n’a pas été aisé d’obtenir des tickets, mais cela en valait la peine, tant c’était agréable.

Dieses Jahr bin ich wieder in der Limmat in Zürich geschwommen. Blauer Himmel und warmes Wasser, das Wetter war ausgezeichnet. Alle lassen sich lächelnd durch die Strömung tragen. Da so viele Leute mitmachen wollten war es hart, Billetten zu kriegen, aber es war so viel Spass das es sich lohnte.

While everything went fine, and the was much fun, I feel the organisation could be improved in multiple ways. First the ticket sale was handled by StarTicket, whose servers were instantly overloaded when the tickets came on sale. I have trouble believing this event was enough to overwhelm their system, they certainly sell tickets for highly desirable concerts.

The second part is getting the starting number, I had to wait in a queue for more than one hour, this after barely getting the tickets online. I think that while there is some amount of coordination involved, they could still have made this queue much faster.

Finally the queue at the start was, like every year, a mess. We were basically given a start number in a 3 minutes slot, to then be mixed with people from various time-slots. The queue was not structured, and there was a bit of showing and cutting in line which I found stupid and annoying. What is the point?

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